Documentasi Construct 2

Final Project Documentation

Members :

Muhammad Andi – 2101718476

Jose Vallenchee – 2101718482

Arden Djaja –  2101704376


How to Play Invasion


Invasion is a game about you, a virus that tries to invade a body, eating the red blood cells while

dodging the white blood cells out. You start with 3 health and the goal is to reach the



– Menu and Options

o Shift = Pick the current Selection

o Up ArrowButton = Move the Selection to the next pick

o Down ArrowButton = Move the Selection to the previous pick

– In Game

o Up ArrowButton = Jump

o Left ArrowButton = Move to the right

o Right ArrowButton = Move to the left

o M – Back to main menu


How to win:

– Reach the Brain to win the Game

– Collect Red Blood Cells to gain points (1 point per blood cell)

– Don’t touch the White Blood Cells to prevent health reduction

– Health reaching 0 means game over




  1. Main Menu :

  1. Options :

  1. Story :

  1. Main Game :

  1. When health reaches 0 (bug fixed) :

  1. Successfully reaching the brain :

  1. Game Over ( when winning / losing ) :



Muhammad Andi Yusuf :

  • Animations
  • Gameplay
  • Game Physics
  • Main Games
  • AI

Jose Vallenchee :

  • Gameplay (idea)
  • Insertion of music
  • Story
  • Main Menu
  • Win
  • Options
  • Extends Maze Games
  • Buttons

Arden Djaja :

  • Connecting layouts
  • Scoring
  • Maze
  • Game Over


Musics By : Toy Pop, Applehill Studios & Mario Bros.

Images By : Most of the images and animations are created by Andi by using Piskel ( ), except for the brain image which is from pixelart from Google.

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Contribution Construct 2

My name Muhammad Andi Yusuf, I will be responsible for the gameplay, art design, and AI.

Bacteria, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells

The mission of bacteria is to attack important organ is a brain. In the game, bacteria can move two way which is left and right because we are using platform for this game. Bacteria have to avoid the obstacles. There are White Blood Cells who prevent the bacteria go to the important organ. If the white blood cells hit the bacteria, the health of bacteria will be decrease one and so on until zero. As the bacteria have to avoid the white blood cells until reach the goal.

Another Blood cell is Red Blood Cells. Red Blood Cells as the coin or score in the game. Bacteria have to claim the red blood cells to get score until the end of game will be appear how many red blood cells did you get.


Basically, this game similar adventure in two dimension. However, we change it to part of biology which is  immune system in our body. In the game, we have a moving small rectangle. it part of obstacles because the small rectangle move their own and must have a good prediction to jump into it. If the bacteria fell down on the ravine, bacteria’s health would be zero it’s mean death and the screen would appear game over layout. For the ravine, we used tiled background to collide bacteria death and we added the event when the bacteria touched the tiled background would be zero health.


The AI is White Blood Cells. I made two part of the AI which is on the floor or platform and on the air. For on the floor, I made several event when the white blood cells on the screen would be appear, moved, and when it hit the bacteria would be minus one for bacteria’s health. the other one which is on the air, the different is just using a behavior to move the white blood cells on the air and added one event when hit the bacteria.

Art Design

For art design i used piskel application to make all of them which is bacteria, white blood cells, red blood cells, floor, moved rectangle, and animation except for the brain.

I used the animation for the bacteria. First of all, I designed stand bacteria like this . After that, i continued to make animation walking for bacteria which is  and . If the bacteria walking to the right on platform, it would like the image and if the bacteria walking to the left on platform, it would be mirror. Furthermore, I made bacteria jump and down like this image ,.  And the last one, the bacteria death .





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Proposal Construct 2

Project Background

In biology, bacteria will attack the blood cells and important organ this can lead to inventible organ failure and dead ultimately. However, in the blood stream there exist the white blood cells. The white blood cells can destroy the bacteria one by one, their size is starting from 5.000 up to 10.000 cells. There are approximately 5 million red blood cells in the human body.

In the game, the player will play as a bacterium. The main mission and goal of the player is to claim the blood cells, the point indicator while infecting the important organ e.g. brain. The player will face a lot of challenge from the white blood cells (AI) which they must pass through to reach the brain (goal).

The goals of the game are the player must pass through all challenge on the way to reach the brain (goal).

To claim blood cells which they need to fight the white blood cells (AI).

Blood cells are used as a point indicator in the game as the bacteria need to attack blood cells first before the important organ.

Project Details

  • Project Goals – The reason the group chose the immune system is because we want teach the children about the immune system especially about the bacteria process of attack to important organ in an easy and entertaining manner.
  • Deadline – Sunday, 28 October 2018
  • Project Tools – Construct 2 and Piskel


Roles’ Specs

  • Muhammad Andi Yusuf – Gameplay, AI, Design, and Animation.
    • In charge of maintaining a good gameplay
    • Responsible for the logic and design of overall for the project the chosen art must support the gameplay. The Logic of Artificial Intelligence also being designed according to the base concept.
  • Jose Vallenchee – Main Menu, Insert the Background music, Game Over, buttons, and Story.
  • Arden Djaja – Make Design maze, Connecting to layout, and Scoring.
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Final Project Proposal

The reason group chose the particular business because I have experienced playing card games such as Vanguard, which I have a collected a lot of different types of. The small business the group chose to work with is a Card Shop Retailer, which sells Trading Card Game such as Vanguard and Buddyfight. These cards are published by Bushiroad. In this era, many young people buy these card because every sixth months there will be new releases of new RRR or SPR card. The cards are organized by their release date, brand name, card set, publisher and which card series they belong to. The products that are being sold also has values of their price and quantity available. There are three designated roles, Dumac Revano Chen will be responsible for combining Visual Studio and Database mysql, I will be responsible for designing the interface with Visual Studio and finally, Naufal Muhammad Zavier will be responsible for designing the database through MySql.

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